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Gwiazdy zachęcają do głosowania

Sarah Jessica Parker / (Fot. Getty Images)

Obok cekinowej sukienki, ogromnego nakrycia głowy i t-shirtu „Voting is hot” nie dało się przejść obojętnie. Nic dziwnego, że gwiazdy ubrane w spektakularne stylizacje przekonały fanów na Instagramie do głosowania w wyborach prezydenckich w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Mistrzynią wyborczych stylizacji okazała się Katy Perry. Piosenkarka ubrana w tunikę i gigantyczne nakrycie głowy (będące powiększoną do ogromnych rozmiarów przypinką) z napisem „Zagłosowałam”, radośnie tańczyła na ulicy, machając przechodniom. Równie oryginalny był pomysł Dity Von Teese – gwiazda burleski opublikowała fotografię w estradowej kreacji od Bree Billiter. Na długim trenie tęczowej sukni widniał napis „Lepiej zagłosuj”. Natomiast Jennifer Lopez i Katie Holmes zostały zauważone podczas przechadzek z akcesoriami opatrzonymi apelem „Vote”. Paparazzi wypatrzyli także Diane Keaton, która zwróciła się do rodaków z humorem, prezentując wygrawerowane na czapce hasło „Vote bitches”. Do tego grona dołączyła Zendaya, która nagrała krótki filmik przy skrzynce pocztowej podczas oddawania głosu z przyjaciółką Darnell Appling. Głos zabrały również modelki. Bella Hadid głosowała w Nowym Jorku ubrana w kurtkę pochodzącą z elektryzującej współpracy MM6 i The North Face. Jej siostra, Gigi zapozowała do selfie w koszulce z napisem „Vote”, Hailey Bieber w t-shirtcie „Voting is hot” [„Głosowanie jest gorące” – przyp. red.], a Richie Shazam w błyszczącej sukni w kolorach amerykańskiej flagi.



Just a couple of voters dropping off their ballots👍🏽👍🏽

A post shared by Zendaya (@zendaya) on



When I think of this country I don’t think of its laws I think of its people. I think about how we were raised to be patriotic of violence, propaganda & war. I think about how this country is owned by the oppressor and how the oppressed are locked in a valley of capitalism. But I also think of the young people who refuse to be spoon fed mistruths. I think of the elders who bucked against hateful prejudices even when it felt impossible.... Because of you, I’m still hopeful. I believe in a country that teaches the true history so we can better understand where we live and how we can do better. I believe in a country that listens to the cries of the protester and doesn’t politicize death. I believe in restoration of this beautiful land and respecting the communities of people who owned America before colonizers renamed it. I believe in fairness, equality, a complete removal of religion in places where it does not belong. Let religion live in the churches and places of worship... the quiet prayer rooms, the joyful congregations.. and out of Congress. I believe in so much, and if I believe it one day I can see it. It may not be tomorrow it may not be today, but it will be one day if we stay activated. We the people, ALL the people, deserve it. Today’s the last day to vote. Stay in line, stay determined and thank YOU for voting.

A post shared by Lizzo (@lizzobeeating) on




I voted absentee last week with my daughter next to me, for an America I want her to see; but not just for us- for fellow Americans that are less privileged, with hope for a nation that is unified, that is empathetic, & for a leader that is compassionate. YOU HAVE A WEEK AND A HALF 🗳 IF YOU’RE VOTING EARLY IM PROUD OF YOU. IF YOU MAILED IN YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT I’M PROUD OF YOU. (&& if you dropped it off at your County’s Board of Elections Office or at an Early Polling Site I’m proud of you!!) IF YOU’RE GOING TO THE POLLS ON NOVEMBER 3RD I’M PROUD OF YOU. Whatever your PLAN, I’m proud of you; make sure you have one !!! Let me know below 👇👇👇

A post shared by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on



the coolest, hottest, most attractive thing you can do is VOTE. Thank you and goodbye.

A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Bieber (@haileybieber) on





i voted for the first time today and it felt really good. i’m so proud to be part of the election, because it’s become so clear how much power young people have to push this country towards progress — as long as we participate. i don’t want to grow up in a country that is going backwards. the past four years have shown us how much damage can be done when our leadership prioritizes property over people, tolerates racism, and ignores science. if you’re not sure if you want to vote, i ask you to consider who and what will be most affected if you don’t. please vote even if it sounds like a headache. do it with empathy, do it with love, and do it with reason because it matters 🇺🇸❤️

A post shared by Kaia (@kaiagerber) on





Just finished filling out my ballot!

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on




#IVOTED for @joebiden and @kamalaharris. I dropped my ballot off, and I did it early 👏🏼 I voted for them because right now this country is more divided than ever. Right now, a few men in power are deciding what women can and can’t do with their own bodies. Our current President has decided that racism is a non-issue. He has repeatedly and publicly ignored science... too many people have died. ⠀ I urge you to really consider who is going to be most affected by this election if we stay on the track we’re on right now... your daughters, the LGBTQ+ community, our Black brothers and sisters, the elderly with health conditions, and your future kids and grandkids (who will be tasked with saving a planet that our leadership refuses to believe is hurting). ⠀ ⠀ This whole thing isn’t about one candidate or one single issue, it’s about the future of this country and of the world. Vote for equal human rights, for love, and for decency. ⠀ ❤️🗳⠀ ⠀ ⠀ PS - It’s not funny to vote for Kanye. I don’t know how else to say it. Please be responsible 🙏🏼

A post shared by Jennifer Aniston (@jenniferaniston) on









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Christian Allaire
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  3. Gwiazdy zachęcają do głosowania
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