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#CNILux: A Star Rises In Africa: LVMH Prize Finalist Thebe Magugu

Suzy with South African fashion designer Thebe Magugu – shortlisted for the LVMH Prize 2019 – at the CNI Luxury Conference in Cape Town. Credit: FILM AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY STUART EVERITT / MARMALADE PRODUCTIONS

Suzy meets the young South African designer whose story embodies regional talent’s march to international markets.

When Suzy invited South African designer Thebe Magugu to speak at the Conde Nast International Luxury Conference in Cape Town, it was his interest in asking questions as much as answering them that left no doubt as to why he is one of the eight finalists for the 2019 LVMH Prize – from an original list of 1,700 candidates!

Hear what Thebe feels about the current focus on Africa here:

Suzy interviews LVMH Prize finalist Thebe Magugu from @SuzyMenkesVogue on Vimeo.

Suzy Menkes
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